Bull Creek is one of the most popular hiking destinations in Austin! There are several access points along the Bull Creek Greenbelt, but the most popular one is at 6701 Lakewood Dr. in Austin.

There are restrooms just off the parking lot and a sign the lets you know about the quality of the water. We have always seen people swimming in the water, regardless of what the sign says, so it’s basically swim at your own risk. We tend to get in to about our knees (sometimes waists for the shortest of us) and are careful not to get any water in our mouths. But please use caution if you choose to wade here.

The area is at its loveliest when there has been enough rain to replenish the creek and limestone seeps and springs yet the very presence of all of this water makes the limestone very slippery. Wear sturdy shoes, pay attention to your footing, and stay focused on the hike (in other words, avoid distractions like cell phones). We have seen many fish and other creatures such as butterflies, lizards, grasshoppers and more!

Austin Active Kids Opinion: If you can handle a slightly challenging trail that is off the beaten path, you will find a lot to explore along the Bull Creek Greenbelt!
Outing Time: About one hour
Outing Distance: Less than one mile
Reminders: The City of Austin will post signs if there are water quality issues. We see people swimming almost every time we visit but we prefer to find other locations for recreational swimming for safety reasons. The children will occasionally wade or splash but we do not wear bathing suits or otherwise treat it as a “swimming outing.”
What else should I know?
There are also usually many off-leash dogs in this area, so please use caution and be aware of this while hiking here!
6701 Lakewood Dr., Austin